Monday, August 4, 2008

Treat adult female acne and secret tips to getting rid of acne

The skin needs Vitamin A in order to function properly. The outer membrane of each skin cell has receptors for retinoic acid. When skin cells are nourished by retinoic acid, then they can divide and grow properly. The proper growth of skin cells helps to prevent the formation of acne pimples.
One useful treatment of acne is the spice turmeric. This can be taken internally and as a topical treatment. Turmeric is loaded with antiseptic properties. Mixed with warm beverage such as milk, it boosts immune system function and also helps get rid of cold symptoms. When applied as topical treatment to acne, it is useful in drying out the acne and removing the blemishes.
So, with so many methods, which one is the most effective? Well, as mentioned above, no one method is known to work for everyone. While the above methods may be effective for some people, it may or may not be effective for you. As always, some common sense is needed when using these methods. Always look out for any side effects and if they occur, it is best to stop using the remedy immediately.
tags: l'oreal acne peel sale, what is the best way to get rid of acne, how to remove post acne marks

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